[ Game ] Pass the Chicken

Published June 03, 2024
"Pass the Chicken" is a favorite game of mine for quick reviews or when I have a few extra minutes with a group.


Here's how to play:
Have the group form a circle.
Give one student a rubber chicken (or any other object to pass).
Announce a category from a prepared list.
The student holding the chicken immediately passes it to the left. Meanwhile, the student who was "it" must quickly name five items that fit the category.
If the student successfully names five items, the person holding the chicken at that moment becomes the next "it." If not, the original student goes to the center and performs the "Chicken Dance."
The game then continues with the next student to the left taking on the role of "it."
For reviewing instrument families, I might use categories such as:
Brass Instruments
Percussion Instruments
String Instruments
Instruments starting with the letter T
Instruments with a reed
"Pass the Chicken" is perfect for those times when a lesson ends sooner than expected or when we're waiting for a teacher to pick up their class. It helps assess students' knowledge and keeps them engaged. I keep a list of various musical topics handy for quick reference in case I need a new category on the spot.

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