The School: White Day is a renowned survival horror game developed by SONNORI Corp and published by ROI Games. Originally released in Korea, this game has captivated fans of the genre with its intense atmosphere and gripping story since its debut.
Set in the eerie Sehwa High School, The School: White Day immerses players in a chilling environment. The game takes place on White Day, a special occasion in Korean culture where boys give chocolates to girls as a gesture of affection. However, the night takes a sinister turn as players, in a first-person perspective, find themselves trapped in the school after hours.
As you explore the dark and deserted halls of Sehwa High School, you must engage in puzzle-solving to uncover the secrets hidden within the school. The supernatural elements heighten the tension, as you encounter ghostly apparitions and other malevolent forces that challenge your survival.
One of the game's standout features is its multiple endings, offering a high level of replayability. Every decision you make can influence the outcome, making each playthrough a unique experience. Managing your resources wisely, such as conserving flashlight batteries, is crucial to surviving the night.
The combination of a well-crafted story, immersive atmosphere, and challenging gameplay makes The School: White Day a must-play for fans of the survival horror genre. Whether you are drawn to its supernatural elements or its intricate puzzles, this game delivers a memorable horror experience that will keep you on the edge of your seat.
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